Sheryn Seunath -Therapist, Court Evaluator

Sheryn Seunath

Therapist, Court Evaluator

Sheryn Seunath holds a Masters in Clinical Social Work from the University of Manitoba, as well as a Bachelor degree with a major in clinical Psychology. Ms. Seunath's professional experience is related to the direct provision of frontline services to children and families in the child welfare system to assist disadvantaged families in their efforts to create and maintain protective environments for their children. In doing so, Sheryn has adopted the use of a culturally sensitive approach as well as the strengths based approach to ensure the safety and well being of family members.

Sheryn has considerable experience in providing services to families from a variety of ethnic origins including immigrant and refugee families, with a major focus on First Nation Communities and survivors of the Residential School System. Many of the issues addressed in this context include; child abuse/protection, suicide intervention, anger management, grief and loss, domestic violence and depression. Sheryn's therapeutic practice adopts the Narrative Approach which takes into consideration the broader historical, cultural and political framework of the family.

Sheryn's approach is focused on narratives of individuals and trying to understand how clients' personal beliefs and perceptions shape their self concept and personal relationships. Clients' problem saturated stories and negative experiences are reconstructed in the therapeutic process with the goal of facilitating more adaptive views of themselves and their relationships. The stories and the "lived experience" of individuals are of extreme importance to Sheryn in the therapeutic process. Some techniques used in this approach include telling stories, letter writing, art and developing picture books.

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